
Easter Eggs Decorating with Jewel Flash Tattoos and Bread Paska (Kulich)

Happy Easter! This is a wonderful holiday that unites families and let's you use all your imagination to decorate Easter eggs and bread. Let's talk about making special bread known as Kulich or Paska and decorating boiled eggs with metallic tattoos. Temporary tattoo stickers are a simple and fast way to make eggs look beautiful and very unusual within moments.

Jewel Flash Tattoos flower on Easter egg and delicious bread Paska

One of our customers (@moominmama_bakery) is fond of cooking. This is the image shared on her Instagram that features Jewel Flash Tattoos design. You can see a delicious Easter bread along with decorated eggs and one egg has a Hibiscus flower gold tattoo on it.

Image with Easter bread Kulich (Paska) and eggs decorated with gold Hibiscus tattoo, shared by moominmama_bakery

We are more than happy to share one of Easter recipes with you. Maybe you would also like to make sparkling gold eggs and tasty Kulich for this holiday.

How to Make Kulich for Easter

You'll need the following ingredients for this bread: milk, eggs, sugar, flour, butter, yeast, vanilla, solt and sour cream. A mixing bowl is also necessary.

Step 1. Make the milk warm. You'll need about 2 cups and 2 Tbsp of it.

Step 2. Mix the warm milk with 6 eggs and 1 Tbsp of yeast in the bowl.

Step 3. Add melted warm butter, 2 cups of sugar, 1 Tsp vanilla, 1/2 cup of sour cream and 1/2 Tsp salt in the same bowl and keep mixing.

Step 4. Measure 4 cups of flour and whisk it in.

Step 5. Once you are sure you got nice creamy-like batter you should cover it and leave in a warm place for about 1.5-2 hours.

Step 6. You'll have to add another 5 cups of flour later on. Don't add everything at once. Add a cup and mix. Your dough will be ready when it no longer sticks to your fingures.

Step 7. Add about 1 cup raisins into the soft dough, cover it again and leave it in a warm place for another 2 hours.

Step 8. Use three-four baking molds. Divide your dough between them. Let the dough stay this way for another 2 hours.

Step 9. You'll need to bake your Easter bread for about 30 minutes in the oven at 350˚F.

Step 10. Make sure the top of your Kulich is gold brown. This means your Paska is ready.

Step 11. Decorate the top with frosting when the bread has cooled down. You can make frosting by mixing 3 Tbsp lemon juice, a bit of water and 2 cups powdered sugar. Use sprinkles to decorate your glaze.

Grean egg with gold tattoo decor on it. Hibiscus flower tat by Jewel Flash Tattoos

How to Apply Metallic Tattoos on Easter Eggs

You need several eggs (white or brown) and temporary metallic tattoos.

Step 1. Boil all the eggs.

Step 2. Let your eggs chill out. They must be cold when you start applying your tattoos.

Step 3. You can soak an egg in water now. Pill off the protective plastic cover from the small tattoo (if you have a sheet with multiple designs or a long bracelet you are advised to cut out individual details) and soak the tattoo in water.

Step 4. Gently place the tattoo face down on the egg. Keep it in the same place. Make sure it doesn't move.

Step 5. Wait for about 30 seconds.

Step 6. Remove the back paper and enjoy your decorations.

Jewel Flash Tattoos also used metallic tats to decorate Eggs for Easter 2017. You can read a post about our egg decor here.